With brands like Marvel celebrating mammoth amounts of popularity in recent years, comic books have enjoyed a renaissance in pop culture. Regardless of what new comic book-based franchise is sweeping the movie industry, there always has been — and likely always will be — loyal readership for comic books. You can tap into this readership with great comic book marketing.

If you've created a stellar comic book, but you're feeling unsure how to market it — relax! This article will help you make sense of marketing for independent authors and commercially published comic book authors alike by covering tips like:

  • Discovering your target audience
  • Launching your comic book website
  • Creating an Amazon author page
  • Developing a social media presence
  • Building a brand

We make it easy to get your work out to your network and beyond with all the marketing tools you need.

Discovering your target audience

Whether you are trying to sell your new comic book during a pandemic or just beginning to plan out your next comic, it is important to identify your target audience. As with any author, building a loyal readership is essential — and it helps to know who your readers are!

From classic Calvin and Hobbes to The Walking Dead, there is a vast range of styles and genres of comic books. With this range comes a diversity of audiences. Take the time to carefully consider who your ideal reader is. To build a consumer profile, ask yourself:

  • Who will want to read this comic book?
  • Who do you hope will read it?
  • What is the reader's age?
  • Where does your reader value?
  • What other content might your reader be interested in?

Another advantage of identifying your readership is gaining the ability to use target marketing. Once you know who your reader is, you can encourage them to sign up for pull lists — which reserve copies for loyal fans — and newsletters. Many comic book retailers utilize email list segmentation to contact customers who have shown interest in certain genres or creators.

You can use email segmentation in your email marketing campaigns by tailoring your emails to reach readers who have expressed admiration for a certain book or series.

Launching your comic book website

Building a website is an essential step when marketing your comic book. If your publisher is not providing one or you are marketing a self-published comic book, create a website that is inviting, easy to navigate, and mobile-responsive to cater to all visitors. When constructing your site consider including:

Your artist bio

An often-overlooked piece of comic book marketing is creating an artist bio. Chances are, fans of your comic book would love to get to know its creator. Give them a chance to connect by including an authentic artist bio on your website. When readers feel that they know you in some way, they are much more likely to continue following your brand and future work.

Your blog

Your comic book website is the perfect space for starting a blog. As the foundation of any great content marketing strategy, your blog can help generate buzz around your latest comic book. Content marketing involves creating helpful or compelling content that promotes your product. Blog ideas include:

  • Publishing news
  • Features about the characters in your comic book
  • Updates about your writing career
  • Resources for fellow comic book creators
  • Thoughts on comic book trends and new releases

Beyond building readership, starting a writer's blog can help improve your search engine optimization.

Your online store

If you are self-publishing your comic book, you may want to consider creating your own online store. While there are plenty of things to consider before launching an ecommerce store for your book, handling your book's sale gives you control over every aspect of marketing.

Marjorie M. Liu's beautiful comic book page makes it easy for readers to find retailers, see her other works, and learn more about her as a creator.

Creating an Amazon author page

Even if a publisher is distributing your comic book, they may not provide enough — or any —marketing for your book. One way to promote your work is by setting up your free Amazon author page. If your book is available on Amazon, you will be able to gain access to Amazon Author Central, where you can:

  • Track book sales
  • Request technological support
  • Add new editorial reviews
  • Respond to reader reviews
  • Set up your Amazon Author Page

Backed by the power of Amazon as a bookseller, your Author Page is an instrumental factor when it comes to marketing your comic book.

Even as a well-known comic book creator, Robert Kirkman uses his Amazon Author page to help fans connect with his work.

Developing a social media presence

If you're not already familiar with social media marketing, it certainly pays to get acquainted with it! Having a dynamic presence on social media is a powerful tool for selling your comic book. Social media channels are another way to connect with readers and gain loyal fans. To build a social media presence that grows your readership, here are a few suggestions to consider.

Use several channels

When building your social media following, utilize multiple platforms, like:

  • Facebook. Start building your social media marketing strategy with Facebook. You can use Facebook to correspond with readers, link to your latest blog post, and connect with relevant fan communities.
  • LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a treasure trove when it comes to building your writing community. By networking on LinkedIn, you can access groups where you can promote your latest comic book.
  • Instagram. Instagram is popular among comic book fans. Build community and buzz around your book by posting regularly on this visually-driven app.
  • Twitter. Twitter is a great place to engage in fast-paced but meaningful conversations with fans and readers.
Though Marvel is an example of a commercially published comic book, we can learn from its vibrant Instagram posts. Use Instagram's visual platform to show off your work!

Use analytical tools

Social posting and monitoring tools are an irreplaceable resource for honing your social media marketing techniques with insights and analytics.

Pay for ads

Paying for Facebook and Instagram ads can be immensely beneficial for exposing your comic book to new readers online.

Building a brand

Comic books gain cult followings for a reason — they are entertaining! As you market your comic book, consider other ways you can generate buzz around your new book. For example:

Create an ongoing series

Once you've created a story that readers love, their loyalty will only grow as you write deeper into the world you've created.

Generate related content

If you have the means, creating supplemental content  — like videos or audio content  — or even merchandise can do wonders for generating a sustained buzz around your comic book.

Highlight your fans

Ultimately, your fans are the driving force behind your marketing efforts. When fans take the time to reach out or support your book, find ways to thank or highlight them on your social media channels.

Even a huge commercial creator like Marvel takes the time to highlight dedicated fans. Take the time to shout out to fans on your own social media whenever possible.

The bottom line of comic book marketing

You've spent countless hours — possibly years — creating your comic book. Sharing it with the world should be a rewarding experience. To take your comic book marketing to the next level, focus on connecting with your readers in meaningful ways, and the rest will follow.

Now that you've gained some ideas for how to market your comic book, are you ready to promote it? To gain additional insights into marketing for artists and writers, be sure to take advantage of The Download, a free marketing guide for independent artists.